Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rick Tangard's Blog of this trip

Rick Tangard who is one of my roommates is also from Richmond. Interestingly we both belong to The Richmond Area Bicycling Assn. (RABA) but had never met before this trip. He is also posting a Web Blog. I has received comments on my blog from some Dominion people that know Rich. Mike and Ron, Rick sends his regards. His Blog address is:


Anonymous said...

At First Wednesday Dinner, Pat set Bob straight on where you departed and planned to arrive. His hearing plays games with shared items and in his mind you were biking in Europe. The photos are great. We have not been to L.Tahoe, but to San Fran and other parts of CA which has a variable terrain, climate, and rainfall. I especially enjoyed the line about a nap on the snow.
- Margaret

Anonymous said...

When you get to Montana, wear plenty of sunscreen. You won't believe how intense the sun will be. Ride safe and hydrate. Oh, it is 100F in Richmond with ozone warnings.

RABA member

Ron said...

Thanks, Jay, for the URL for Rick's blog. Both of you are doing a good job of chronicling your journey. //Ron

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures, and descriptions of your journey.

Dave T.
RABA member