The weather conditions were the same as yesterday except for a stronger headwind. The temperature was upper 50’s with blue skies and wind out of the south East. It reached upper 70’s by ride completion.
We continued in a Southeasterly direction again today. Once out of the town of Provo we followed route 6 to Price. I could see large wind driven rotors apparently for electric generation in the distance near a mountain pass we were headed for. This should have been a clue of what was to come. As we started ascending the mountain pass near the rotors, the wind started increasing directly at us. It was difficult to make much headway. I stopped to get a picture of these wind generation rotors. They were a stark white contrast to the green mountain background. When I resumed riding, the group that I had been riding with was a good distance ahead though still in sight. I finally caught up to them after several miles of pedaling. The next 15 or so miles were up, up, up. The riding group broke up as each rider found a pace they could maintain.
I finally reached the SAG stop at 28 miles into the ride. It was a welcome sight since I had been riding hard and was in need of fuel. After fueling up and using the facilities I resumed the day’s journey. Riding by myself I had 7 more miles of steeper climbing to Soldier summit at 7477 ft. elevation. The view was not impressive, but here's a photo of the summit.
Near the end of the ride we passed through an old town called Helper. It is so named because being on the train line it is where additional engines were added to the trains so they could make it over the mountain I had just descended. While coming down the mountain I saw a long Union Pacific freight train straining its way up the mountain. At the end of the train it had extra engines pushing.
I arrived at the hotel in Price at 1:45 PM. The first thing that happened when I was checking in was that I was told I had a package. It was from Kristy and Matt! Guess what, more cookies and a Fathers day card! I feel like a kid when I get these gifts from home. Thanks Kristy and Matt. Cookies are great when getting in from the ride. I'll eat as many as I can then share the rest with my room mates.
Rooms were not available yet when I checked in so I changed into my swimming trunks and spend the next half hour in the pool. That was refreshing.
To end my post today I want to include a Fathers day message to my Father. Since this posting probably won’t be read until Sunday I will include it with today’s ride report.
My Father (Gilbert Rohrer) is 91 years young and lives with his wife, my Mother (Elsie) in Harrisonburg, VA. He enjoys mostly good health. He loves his family and enjoys visiting with family and friends. I love him very much! He has been and continues to be a good role model as he navigates life’s pleasures and challenges. He was a hard working man during his working years and provided for the needs of his family. Happy Fathers day Dad! I look forward to see you when I finish my trip. I’ll be thinking of you as I crank the pedals on my way to Green Utah.
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