The weather was blue sky again and temperature in upper 50’s and finished the day in upper 70’s. Nice! According to my GPS we climbed an accumulative elevation of 3222 ft.
Today I started the ride today with a group of five riders. We stuck together for a while. A Father Son team was part of the group. They kicked the pace up and went on ahead, but later Rick, Larry and I passed them as they stopped for a bathroom break. Larry is a retired middle school teacher from Colorado so we compared notes on retirement as we rode at a fairly comfortable pace. There was a speed limit of 15 MPH on the trail. We were cruising at 17 or 18.
We rode the first 30 miles on the American River Way, which is a bike trail that follows the American River from Sacramento to Lake Folsom state recreational area for our first SAG (Support And Gear) stop. It’s a really nice bike trail and no cars to contend with. I saw a turkey gobbler in full strut maybe 50 yards off the trail. There were also some hens he was trying to impress. I got several pictures, but each time I took a picture he put his fan tail down.
We passed other riders along the way who asked where we are going. It’s fun to say New Hampshire and watch they eyes light up! The next question is usually how long will it take.
Since it was about 11:30 AM too early to get in the hotel room we hung out in town and checked out a local bike shop. Other riders began collection until there 10 or so riders getting lunch, ice-cream in the town center.
Finally Rick and I with two other riders from Las Vegas finished off the last two mile climb to the hotel.
I changed and went to the pool for about and hour came back to the room and showered and worked on uploading GPS data and pictures for the blog.
We had Route RAP at 5:00 PM to hear what we will face tomorrow. There is some fear and apprehension about the elevation we will have to climb and the weather.
I had a delicious Lemon Chicken dinner including ice-cream and brownie dessert. At dinner I shared a table with Wayne from England and another rider whose name escapes me. It’s been interesting meeting the people on the ride.
It's been another great day!
Sounds like you are really in good shape but Don and I are going to keep using $4.73 Diesel fuel to allow us to go up and down the steep inclines here in UT and WY winding our way back to WI. Our power left us with our age. Keep up the good work and enjoy.
Jay, really enjoying the postings each day. Sounds like you are in great shape and having a wonderful time. You all caught San Francisco and the beautiful Golden Gate at its best it looks like. No fog! Enjoy!
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