During and after breakfast it poured rain and continued lightening and thunder. They announced that no one would be allowed to depart on bikes as the conditions were. They also polled the group to see who would rather be shuttled to Indianapolis in the vans. A majority desired this. I was in the first group to transport. About a third of the riders wanted to wait for the second shuttle to see if conditions would improve to allow biking. The planned route was on RT 136 which had virtually no shoulder and with rain and standing water and motor vehicles it seemed a risky. As it turns out the people who waited were able to start a couple hours later after the main rain system had disipated and were able to complete the ride with only a few sprinkles.
I am disappointed that I didn’t get to visit the attractions on the route today, but satisfied with my decision to van shuttle to Indianapolis. We arrived at about 11:00 AM. Rooms wouldn’t be available until after noon. Rick and I found our luggage and changed from bike clothes to street clothes. The hotel is located on the edge of Indianapolis city center. Since it was not raining when we arrived we walked into the city central and found a coffee shop for a cup of coffee and a muffin.
On a down note, Jeff Bucher who shared the rooms with Rick and I, left for home today. He had been struggling with health issues and decided to end his tour. He was dehydrated and walked to the nearby hospital ER last night to receive IV fluids. He lives in New Zealand and had a long flight to return home. We said farewell to him this morning and wished him well.
Tomorrow I will have lunch with Wade and Eunice and hopefully they will be able to take me to a bike shop to pick up some important supplies. We will clean and service the bikes, take in some local sights, and rest up for the next push east.
Too bad about the stormy weather, Jay. I know how tough it is to make a decision about riding or not, but I think you made an incredibly wise choice to take the van. The scariest time of my ride was the day in Minnesota where we got caught out in the open by a storm that just wouldn't quit. Every time we tried to start riding, the lightning and torrential rain hit again. I can't even imagine what it would have been like on bad, traffic filled roads. Enjoy your rest day!
Jay, I second the stormy weather comment. When we were riding back from Williamsburg in last year's MS150 the rain came down so hard it hurt! Also the crosswinds would have been bad in traffic.
Keep up the good work, you're almost here. Indiana is just next door, right? :)
Your daughter Allison told me about this. Keep up the good work of living your vision.
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